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usiness intelligence covers a range of technologies, and in this book business intelligence is a generic term covering the data warehouse as well as the tools and applications used to view the data from the warehouse While the major focus of this book is on PerformancePoint Server and ProClarity, which allows users to consume data, there would be nothing to view without first building a data warehouse or data mart Before diving into the process of building the data warehouse, it s important to define the difference between a data warehouse and a data mart The difference between the two is one of scope: marts cover individual business areas, while warehouses cover the entire business Data marts focus on a particular business function, such as finance, manufacturing, sales and marketing, and so forth There is a raging, often religious debate about the proper method of building a warehouse: whether to build a number of marts and then roll them up into a warehouse, or build a warehouse and then split out data marts as necessary This debate is beyond the scope of this book, and the good news is that the decision is unimportant for the purposes of this book The process of building a data mart is identical to the process of building a data warehouse; only the scope is different Therefore, while most companies have one or more marts and not a true warehouse, this book will use the term data warehouse as a generic term to cover both warehouses and marts Because the process is the same for building both marts and warehouses, this chapter will describe that process and cover the aspects of the business intelligence process that build the foundation for delivering value to the organization The process of building a warehouse involves a number of steps, each of which contains an abundance of details While entire books are written on the various aspects, this chapter will seek to distill the most important parts of the warehouse building process into an overview that will explain the importance of the decisions made here and how they can affect the delivery of business intelligence information through PerformancePoint Server and ProClarity It is important to realize that building a data warehouse is not an easy task and many decisions must be made, some of which involve tradeoffs The overall flow of building a warehouse is generally described as shown in Figure 3-1 You can see that the data is located in its source systems, migrated into a relational data warehouse, and then turned into cubes for consumption by end user tools Each part of this process contains complexities and subtleties that can greatly affect the usability and ultimate acceptance of the warehouse by business users It is therefore critical that these pieces be taken seriously and that proper planning be done in each phase The first phase will encompass several aspects of the system design and will lay the foundation for all the analysis that will be performed. asp.net gs1 128 EAN - 128 ASP . NET Control - EAN - 128 barcode generator with free ...
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c# barcode scanner sdk Free download for .NET EAN 128 Barcode Generator trial package to create & generate EAN 128 barcodes in ASP . NET , WinForms applications using C#, VB. qr code reader c# open source Not everything with wireless data is perfect (same for wireline) Occasionally, there will be problems that must be overcome The use of wired facilities has improved over the years with the use of fiber optics in the backbone Newer technologies have allowed the industry to improve performance of data to a 10 15 10 16 bit error rate This was unheard of before the use of fiber and SONET in the backbone The local loop (last mile) is the weakest link in the equation, producing bit error rates of 10 6 Still, today this is not as bad as it may sound because the distances we run on copper (the local loop) are being shortened daily The shorter the copper, the better the performance we achieve (because the weakest link is minimized, and the cables are correctable) Therefore, we see improved data performances on the local copper-data transmission systems However, wireless (air interfaces) have been traditionally error prone, and the amount of frequencies available have always been limited This interface is limited to the point that many people did not want to use air interfaces in the past With the culture shift and the use of digital techniques to compound the data, air became much more acceptable The wireless medium is also prone to more delay and latency than the wired world In the wired arena, the average delay for transmitting information across the nation networks is 50 msec or less In the wired world, this delay can jump to more than 250 msec At 250 msec, we find that echo begins to get out of control, requiring more equipment to handle this problem However, while handling the echo control function, we introduce more latency and buffering of the real data This almost becomes a Catch 22 problem The more the data is buffered and manipulated across the medium, the greater the risks of introducing errors. asp.net ean 128 .NET GS1 - 128 / EAN - 128 Generator for C#, ASP . NET , VB.NET ...
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asp.net display barcode font Barcode Rendering Framework Release.3.1.10729 components for Asp . Net , from http://barcoderender.codeplex.com/ The bar- code rendering framework quite ...
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Code 128 ASP . NET barcode Generator is easy to integrate barcode generation capability to your ASP . NET web applications. It is the most advanced and ...